Thursday, February 17, 2011

Simple CSS code to hide Time on the top of each entry in Calendar View.


In the Calendar View, by default the time will showed on top of each entry.

If you are entering time at the time of new item creation thats fine. But if you are using only Date field then it shows you as 12:00 AM for each entry. In order to hide that in Month and Week view:

1) Site Actions -> Edit Page-> Add WebPart -> Content Editor WebPart.
2) Modify Shared WebPart -> Source Editor.
3) Paste this code

"style A NOBR {display:none;} NOBR {display:none;}

NOTE: style are HTML tags.


Please Leave a comment if this post is helpful to you. Thanks.


  1. This didn't work for me. Looks like the code wasn't applied at all, as in the content editor didn't append the added code to the source code. Would you know what could possible be wrong?

  2. This post has been helpful to me in hiding the time information of day, week and month calendar.

