Friday, April 29, 2011

Copying and Moving SharePoint Designer (2007) Workflows....


        This is a common challenge for every one who works on SharePoint Designer Workflows.

       In the working environment, after developing a workflow on a list using SharePoint Designer. There is no Out-of the -Box option to assign that workflow to other List in same server or in other server.

Here is the a simple work around for that

NOTE:- You should have the same column names in both lists. Atleast you should have the columns that you used in rules or actions of the workflow. However, the workflow can be moved eventhough if you dont have the common columns. But the problem is after moving the workflow, the columns that are not present in new list will be listed as blank in workflow. Don't worry you will understand after starting working on it.

Here are the steps.

1) open the WorkFlows folder in SharePoint Designer
2) Expand the workflow that you want to move
3) open <your workflow name> .xoml.wfconfig.xml file.
4) In the Association tag replace the listid with your new list id *.
5) save and close that file.
6) open you workflow xoml file and click finish.
 Thats it you are done.

* In order to find the List ID of your New List open the list setting. In url you can find the list id.
( Replace %7B with {, %7D with }, %2D with -).

Post Comments if you have any trouble doing this.

Please leave a comment if this post is helpful to you.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Incoming Email feature in Office 365


Two days back i got access to my Office 365 SharePoint site. It is so amazing. I am really excited with this new cloud computing feature. I started using it for my new business.

However it has a drawback. That is, lack of a feature which i expected to have. That is Incoming Email for Lists and Libraries.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hotfix for Time-Based SPD07 Actions (Pause for, Pause till)


If you are using Sharepoint 2007. You will face the problem with Time Based actions in SharePoint Designer Workflow. They are

1) Even if the timer is done the next action will not be processed
2) The cooments field of workflow doesnt update the time remaining to go for next action
3) The workflow will be freezed at pause action forever.

Here is the Hotfix for that problem