Thursday, July 26, 2012

Custom Themes, Master Pages, Background Images and Font settings made easy in SharePoint 2013.

            This week i was playing with the SharePoint 2013 space. (Thanks to my Friend and Colleague Atul).

When i was checking for the Changes in Site Settings I observer few additions.

The best thing that i observed is

Composed Looks

Which takes you to the screen.

And you will find the list of all the available Composed looks which will have


  1.  Name (Name of Compose Look).
  2. Master Page URL
  3. Theme URL
  4. Image URL
  5. Font Scheme URL
  6. Display Order
Where you can provide the link to files that you want to use in your custom Composed Looks.

you can save the local copy of 
  • .spcolor
  • .spfont
files and edit them (They are nothing but plain XML Files). upload them and use them in your custom looks

see the below files .

I feel this is a very neat new feature in new version.
